The Truth about Fats in our Diet
Definition of Terms
Lipoprotein: any of a group of soluble proteins that combine with and transport fat or other lipids in the blood plasma.
Fatty Acid: Fatty acids are comprised of hydrocarbon chains terminating with carboxylic acid groups. Fatty acids and their associated derivatives are the primary components of lipids.
EFA: essential fatty acid means that the body does not make these substances but requires them. They must be sourced from food
Cholesterol: The most common type of steroid in the body required for many functions
Big Ideas
1. Healthy Fatty Acid deficiency is epidemic:
Musculoskeletal issues
Endocrine issues
Cardiovascular issues
Immune issues
Allergies, Skin problems
Mental health issues, i.e., depression,
2. Inflammation can be effectively managed with nutritional therapy, therefore reducing healing time
Introduction to Fats
Fats compose about 15% of our body weight
Animal and vegetable sources of fat provide a concentrated source of energy in our diet
Contrary to popular belief, a fairly high percentage of diverse, good quality fats are required for optimum health
Roles of Fats in the Body
Provide a slow burning, longer lasting source of energy
Act as building blocks for cell membranes and hormones -are building blocks for every cell membrane in the body
Aide the absorption of the fat‐soluble vitamins: A, D, E, and K
Allow for the proper use of proteins
Serve as a protective lining for the organs and joints
Help regulate energy absorption by slowing the absorption of food
Increase satiety
Make food taste good
Normal Function of Fats
Brain anticipates food – stimulates salivary glands
Food enters mouth, is chewed and swallowed – esophagus – stomach-small intestines:
presence of fat stimulates gallbladder to release bile to emulsify (break up) fats so they can be digested and absorbed
stimulates pancreas to release enzymes to breakdown fats into triglycerides for absorption into the lymph and blood stream to be used or stored
Carried by the Lymph System – triglycerides and fat-soluble nutrients (i.e. fat-soluble vitamins – A, D, E, K
to cells for energy production and membrane support
to muscles and heart for aerobic fuel
to liver to make cholesterol and bile
to make prostaglandins
to adipose tissue for storage
Prostaglandins are hormone‐like substances the body cannot do without. They occur in nearly all body tissues and fluids. They are formed (conjugated) from elongated forms of EFAs and are thought to be synthesized in the cells’ membranes.
Regulation the cell’s communication system for doing things like opening and closing channels
Providing the fine tuning needed for maintaining homeostasis within the body
Increasing blood flow within the kidneys
Dilating bronchial tubes
Controlling inflammatory function (inflame and anti-inflame)
Requires Omega 3, Omega 6 fats and saturated fats (which can contain both 3 and 6)
Cholesterol Roles in the Body
Makes cells waterproof to allow different chemistry on inside and outside
Nature’s healing substance-repairs wounds, including tears in arteries
Gives structure and integrity to cells
Precursor to vitamin D which is needed for healthy bones, calcium metabolism, reproduction, normal growth, eyesight, nervous system
Pre-cursor to bile salts which are made in the liver and required for fat emulsification for digestion
Precursor to vital sex hormones and protective steroid hormones
Powerful antioxidant
Essential for development and function of the brain and nervous system; needed for proper functioning of serotonin receptors in the brain
The difference between a Good fat and a Bad fat is in the way they are processed not in the inherent nature of their source with the exception of Canola (rapeseed or mustard seed), Soy and Cottonseed Oils

General Fat Consumption Guideline
You need a mixture of healthy fatty acids in your diet to maintain optimal health
The ratio of Omega‐6s to Omega‐3s in the diet should be approximately 1:1. In today’s diet it’s more like 1:20 due to oils in processed foods.
Canola (rapeseed or mustard seed), Soy and Cottonseed Oils should never be consumed or used in cooking
Fatty Acid Dysfunction
Historically, EFA deficiency was not an issue, because the range of foods was much broader - Before agriculture, we ate 300 – 1,000 different foods. Today, we eat 17 – 20
Wild things in their natural form are high in Omega‐3s - Insects, cold‐water fish, flax seeds, grass‐fed beef, etc.
Cooking is a factor that contributes to EFA deficiency. For example, cooking fish destroys most of the Omega‐3 oils
Industrialization is another contributing factor - Grain‐fed beef is completely void of Omega‐3s, whereas grass‐fed beef is not
Fats to Avoid
Hydrogenated Fats
Partially Hydrogenated Fats
Highly processed Vegetable Oils
Fried Fats
*Trans Fats are a by‐product of the hydrogenation process (toxic)
These fats are toxic and interfere with the essential roles fatty acids play within a healthy body
Supermarket Oils
Living fats/oils are very sensitive to light, heat, and oxygen and become rancid easily
The more unsaturated the fat, the more unstable it is
Unstable oils are the ones most important to our health in terms of EFAs
Cannot be heated
Cannot be exposed to light
Therefore, supermarket oils in clear, plastic bottles shelved under bright light and not refrigerated are not supporting life
Label Reading
Look for “hydrogenated” or “partially hydrogenated”. Even if it says, “no trans-fats”. They are the same thing and are toxic to the body.
Be wary when you hear/see saturated fats lumped in with trans fats. Saturated fats are healthy and trans fats are poison.
Vegetable oils are highly refined and usually made from genetically modified plants. They are most likely rancid before bottle is opened.
The refining process, which is meant to extend shelf life, involves high heat, chemical solvents, bleaches, deodorizers (to cover up the rancid smell), and clarifiers. These break down the fragile oils into substances which the body doesn’t recognize as food and treats as a toxins which create inflammation.
Recommended Reading/Viewing
YouTube video: The Oiling of America by Sally Fallon Morrel
Put Your Heart in Your Mouth by Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride
Eat Fat, Lose Fat by Mary Enig, PhD and Sally Fallon Morrel
The Big FAT Surprise by Nina Teicholz