Nutritional Therapy
Let's take an in-depth look at your health issues. Using Functional Nutritional Therapy, I provide you with an in-depth physical assessment along and functional testing that is based on your bio-individual needs. Using all the information I have gathered, I will work with you to develop a holistic protocol using nutrient dense, whole foods, professional grade supplements and lifestyle adjustments your body needs to achieve optimal health. Then, if you choose, I will work with you as your guide and coach on your journey.
I work with clients in person and also remotely. Contact me today for a complimentary 20-minute consultation, by phone, on-line or in-person.
About the program
About the program
We will meet in small informal group setting (in person & online) of no more than 10 people each week for 5 weeks
You will receive the ReStart Cookbook and weekly handouts
You will get lots of tips along the way and a few ReStart compliant foods to sample each week
You will have lifetime access to my private ReStart Groups Facebook page for current and past participants to share and continue to learn from each other.
Service Offerings
What you will learn
What you will learn
Week 1 – This is all about preparation and planning to be successful in your health journey. Learn about what should be in a healthy kitchen, meal prep, recommended/not recommended foods, journaling, and more
Week 2 – Sugar detox begins! You’ll learn about digestion and it’s importance to good health
Week 3- You will learn about how the body uses sugar and it’s impact on your health – and the good and bad of sugars and sweeteners.
Week 4 – The truth about fats – we will debunk the myths about fats and you will learn about good and bad fats and the importance of good fats in your diet that you can happily eat tasty good fats and be healthy!!
Week 5- This week is key – you will be given guidance and tools to move forward in your continued health journey. We will celebrate your successes!!
"Sign up.. you won't regret it. Believe me!”
"I now understand what I need to heal myself and my family. This class changed my attitude towards food and health. If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired all the time, I highly recommend taking RESTART®. ”
"I feel a lot better, sleep all night, and work longer without getting tired!”